Friday 24 January 2014's been a while

Happy New Year!!!!!

Yes it has been that long, that Christmas has come and gone, and it is a brand new year.  I would rattle on about "New year, new me, blah blah bah", but if the last couple of years have taught me anything it's to take life day by day.

So, hows life? I do hope you are well?

In our house, it has been a blur of a few months with ups, downs & heart wrenching days where it would have been all too easy to get in my car and just drive without looking back.  I have experienced almost every conceivable emotion over the past few months. For a while a thick fog set in & just couldn't be shifted, but with the help of some friends we have made it through in one piece, and have come out the other side still smiling!  There have been some huge ups and downs with my darling daughter's condition, a very dear friend in hospital, including a stay in ICU, worry over family members health & a friend going through a really hard time. But also a lot of ups; a lovely Christmas day with the ones I love, my daughter making a bit of a breakthrough (however long it may last) and work is going OK!

But as this blog is mainly about training, I had better mention it!

Well, I'm not going to lie. There has been none.

Life seriously hasn't allowed me the time! But This last week I have begun walking. It kills several birds with one stone. I am getting exercise, fresh air, catching up with friends and also helping out a friend who is having a difficult time too. We rant and walk. Very therapeutic,  I highly recommend it!

My husband bought me a FITBIT which has really helped. It measures your activity and coverts it into calories burnt etc. It has made me so much more active on a daily basis. If you watch the video on the link... at the end of it that woman is exactly what I am like!  I have used it for just over a week and can feel and notice the difference already! My jeans are hanging on me!!!!

As soon as the weather picks up & the clocks change,  I will be back to meeting up with the gang at the track, the kids can't wait! They have really missed it.

The lovely Julia, who got me into this charity run, is no longer able to run for this race due to having surgery, so I will be doing a combination of walking/running alongside her. After all, it's the raising funds that's the most important.

Anyway, I will try to update the blog a little more often, if life allows me time!

 Love this saying, and is very true. x

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