Tuesday 22 October 2013

Time travel

Sometimes life just travels faster than Dr Who in his Tardis. Don't you find that?

That is certainly how I feel about the last month. Blink, and you've missed it.

It has been a mad month of illnesses, work, nights out , work, teenage stress and oh...did I mention work??

So let's start right there...

Have been working for a couple of weeks now. So far, on the whole, I am loving it!! It is quite physical which is great for my insomnia. But good lord I ache all over. Guess it will take a bit of getting used to. I am actually exhausted when I get home, struggle to keep my eyes open long enough to eat my dinner.  So far everyone I work with seems nice enough, but well....give it time I guess.  I did sit down where there wasn't a chair in the staff room. Mildly embarrassing, yes. But also a great conversation starter in a room full of strangers! I also had a fight with a trolley, which resulted in me "giving the floor a hug", but the least said about that the better! My friends have been so supportive through my transition back to work, and leave me messages for on my breaks, or little texts that make me laugh.  Also without them, none of this would be possible.  I owe them a lot.

Whilst on the subject of friends, I had a great night out with them a couple of weeks back. We went to our local Indian Restaurant. It was a "Take That" tribute night, although to be factually correct "Take Shat" may be more apt.  They were quite possibly the worst tribute act ever, so bad that they were brilliant! I laughed so much that night. The next mis-adventure, will most likely be our Christmas night out!

My daughter is struggling again at the moment, seems to be a flare up of the damn Endometriosis. But have her medical team on the case, so fingers crossed that will be back under control very soon. We have a long day at the hospital this week, where hopefully a plan of action can be established.  She is off on her DofE expedition next week eeeeekkkkkkkk!!!!

Other than that life is full of school, housework and the usual day to day stuff. I am halfway through a course of antibiotics, which fingers crossed seem to be doing the trick at finally shifting this infection. Really hope so, as I need to get back into my training. I actually miss it!!

So I haven't forgotton about my blog, just not much to blog about that would be of any interest! Fingers crossed that the training will be back on course very soon.....

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