Saturday 28 September 2013

It's been a while..

I know it has been a while...but honestly had nothing to blog!

I have been ill for pretty much the whole time.  No running, simply due to the fact most days were a struggle to remain upright.  The virus has swept through the playground, affecting mum's far more than the kids.  We were all dropping like flies. I was  seriously close to barricading my door and putting a big black cross on it. It not only stopped my training, but stopped me visiting my lovely Suze. Gutted. But I really couldn't risk giving it to her. 

In other news...

I start my job this week.

 Oh. My. God.

It has been a loooong time since I last worked for someone else. Truth be told, I am really looking forward to it!!! Everyone I have met so far there seems lovely.  Bring it on I say.  I am thinking of joining a gym once I get my first pay-check! The theory being I can go there whatever the weather, plus it'll give me an all over workout.  As it gets colder, think it will be easier running on a treadmill than out in the dark cold nights.

Really proud of my girl (again) she has taken on another A level and is loving it!! She never fails to amaze me. This week she did a biology demonstration (involving a pigs heart & lungs) at the school Open Evening, the feedback for it was  impressive. The school even received emails from prospective parents commenting on how fabulous she was!! 

Me, proud? HELL YES!!!!!

I spent a lovely morning this week throwing cold cooked spaghetti around my friend Laura's kitchen. I highly recommend it!! It's ok, we aren't (totally) crazy, she is a childminder & it was an activity with the kids. It was a huge success. So go give it a try, it is very therapeutic!!

Enough boring babble from me, just wanted to let you know that my blog hasn't been forgotten already, hopefully normal service will resume this week!!

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