Monday 9 September 2013

A wet start...

So today saw the first of my training runs, and the heavens decided to open! Undeterred, I donned my running gear and psyched myself up.

By psyched myself up, I actually mean that I tried to talk myself out of it.  So I decided to put on my gear before doing the school run this morning. Yes I was self conscious, having all my wobbly bits on display, but I cunningly hid the worst areas under my rain jacket! My lovely mummy friends at school gave me a boost of confidence that I could actually do it. School run over, I headed home.

So with phone set to the training plan and a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1......I was off.

I kept my spirits up by chanting my mantra of "Just keep running, just keep running" - inspired by Dory from Finding Nemo.  Although, given today's weather, maybe "Just keep swimming" would have been more appropriate!

It was actually not a bad session for day one, with a combination of jogging and walking at various intervals. But looking ahead through each session, it is going to get so much tougher!! But, I can do this. Seriously, I can. (do I sound convincing?)

40 minutes and 2.5 miles later, I returned home looking worse than a drowned rat and probably smelling like one too!! I was wet through with rain and sweat, much to my husband's amusement.  I was worn out, but not to the point of not enjoying it.  I might even go so far as to say I loved it!!

The sound of the rain pelting my jacket and the pounding of my feet was a welcome change from the noise my two children usually make. I found it quite therapeutic.  I had the park to myself, as no other human being in their right mind would have gone out in that!

I learnt 3 things this morning.

1 - A cap is essential when running in the rain.
2 - My rain jacket is a sweatbox. (need to invest in a running jacket)
3 - Breathable running shoes are useless in the rain!!

So all in all a great session and dare I say it....

Bring on the next one!!!!

In other news, I have two job interviews this week. Eeeeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!!!!

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