Friday 13 September 2013

That Friday feeling.

Normally I love that Friday feeling and looking forward to the weekend, but instead I am full of nerves as tomorrow is the day for on camera training!

Half of me is praying for torrential rain in the hope it is cancelled, the other half is secretly looking forward to it!!  I had asked my friend Julia if I could wear a Simon Cowell mask at the session to protect my identity, but this was laughed off and not taken seriously by her at all. Am really tempted to do it anyway!
The session is planned to be about 3 hours long in a park in Oxford.

 Oh. My. God.

Three hours? I struggle after 30 minutes, so hope he goes easy on us!!

There are a number of us on this OX5Run journey, but only a few can make tomorrow's session, including my 16 year old daughter.  This makes me incredibly proud. She, in my eyes, is simply amazing.  Having gone through so much health wise this last year, she has come out of it such a fighter.  She has got into running these last few months and will be using this towards her Duke of Edinburgh award.  She is not your average teenager that's for sure. As the old saying goes....."To know her is to love her".

Anyway, the last couple of days have been very busy what with job interviews and hospital appointments. I also had a migraine which took it's toll. (which will cause much raucous laughter amongst my closest friends) So running has taken a bit of a backseat.  However I have been making up for it doing lunges and squats around the house.  Thank goodness nobody can see me, I am sure I must look hilarious.  I have learnt a valuable lesson doing this. Lunges when wearing fluffy socks, plus a laminated wood floor = disaster. A missed 'You've been framed' moment for sure. Enough said!

Huge thanks for all the positive feedback so far on my blog, it's been overwhelming seeing it be read all over the world! I have been inundated with texts, emails, comments on here  and facebook messages of support. It means that I can't possibly back out now! So, thanks for that.

If I am still alive after tomorrow's training, I will write a new post over the course of the weekend. If I don't post one, then you know it finished me off!!

Happy Friday.

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