Wednesday 11 September 2013

"Think of the Children Jo"

So this week is a chaotic mess of being Mum, job interviews, Nhs appointments & school meetings.  Needless to say, trying to make time for running is no mean feat, especially when you add into the mix Hubby working away.  But fit it in, I will.

Yesterday got off to a sluggish start with me waking up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck in the night. Every inch of me seemed to ache. Whether that was down to yesterday's session, I don't know. But no time for me to dwell on that, as it was off to a job interview for me. So instead of donning my running gear, I had to dress like a girl. Not something I am overly good at!!  The interview seemed to go well, I think, and I will hear if I was successful on Thursday. (finger's crossed)

The day ended with a long couple of hours at my daughter's school, discussing the plans for KS5.  I don't mind confessing to being mildly jealous of her impending adventure, doing her Duke of Edinburgh Gold award. First up is a week in October, hiking the length of the Lake District, camping on the sides of mountains.  Sounds such an amazing experience!

Today, I woke feeling like utter rubbish. Think a head cold may be brewing - possibly a result of getting so wet on Monday's run! I ordinarily would have used this an excuse not to go, but again I got into my gear before the school run.  On the drive to school, I remembered that it is THIS Saturday that I am being filmed training in Oxford.  This has been arranged by my friend Julia. Now love her as I do, she is entirely responsible for roping me into this whole charity run lark by imploring with me to "Think of the Children"!! The filming is  for somebody who is setting up a training website for "How to train for charity runs". Or something like that. To be honest, I kind of switched off listening after hearing the word Cameras.  In hindsight, maybe I should have actually paid more attention.

So, anyway, remembering this gave me the determination I very much needed today.

School run done, I was joined by my friend Sarah at the track.  She is my inspiration. She has a steely determination and has not only managed to lose all her weight, but has built up to running 10K. Yes, 10K, something I can only dream about. She truly is amazing. Her being there gave me no choice but to run my arse off!

It was quite a good session, the training app already increased the amount of running and speed from Monday. I combined track running with running on grass too. I covered 2.6 miles today in 30 minutes.  I actually pushed myself, with one interval of sprinting!!

I am pleased with how I did today, but must confess to missing my training partner Laura. She is out for a few weeks with a foot injury.  Booooooo.  So I consoled myself by going for a coffee & a catch up before the afternoon school run!  She needs to hurry up & get better I say.

Had good news this morning too! Got on the scales and have lost 4.5lbs this week. Bonus!!

The only down to an otherwise good day is that my daughter seems to be having a flare up of an ongoing medical condition. Thankfully we are at the hospital seeing her consultant for a review tomorrow, so hopefully will avoid an A&E trip and stay in the Children's hospital this time.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the job and keep on running!!!!
    Chloe :)
