Thursday 19 September 2013

I've (not) got the power!

It has been a funny week here. Not funny haha, but just an odd one!

I have been too ill to run this week. Nothing serious, just the worst cold I think I have ever had. Some days it has just been a struggle to stay upright. I certainly wouldn't have the power in me to run! The kids have had it too, so not much sleep had here. Through into the mix that hubby has been working away and you can begin to imagine how exhausted I am.

But my weirdest day has to have been Tuesday. Long story short, had a powercut from 15:30-03:00. Almost 12 hours. It was surreal. Going that long with no power made me realise just how heavily we really on power & modern technology!  My 8 year old son, couldn't get his head around it. He didn't understand why the Ipad worked but not YouTube!!! Queue a very long discussion and science lesson.
Two days on and the power has been restored, although work is still ongoing in my front garden. I currently have a huge lorry filling the 20ft trench, it is very noisy. Jack hammer is working flat out which is not helping my headache.

Have had a "Proud Mummy" week too.  My daughter has been asked to create a website & campaign to raise awareness for her condition.  This will count towards her D of E award, but is also a cause close to our hearts.

Without going into great details, we have just come through the worst year of our lives with her. She was very poorly and in huge amounts of pain for months, with no doctor able to find what was wrong with her. Many visits and stays in hospital, never with any conclusive results.  It was a very scary time, and all kind of thoughts raced through our heads.  Eventually, through a lot of hard work and fighting the system, we found a Dr who was determined to get to the bottom of it.  She did, and following surgery earlier this year, she was diagnosed with Endometriosis.  She is doing well since her surgery and with hormone treatment it is being kept under control, for now.  It is an awful condition, but I think it is particularly hard when it happens to a teenager - both for them and us as parents.

On the plus side, I have been offered 2 jobs this week! OMG!!!!! I am going for an induction this afternoon. Excited, nervous and scared all rolled into one!  It should be interesting seeing as I have hardly any voice! Will keep you posted....

As soon as I am able I will be back in training, hopefully joined by my running buddy Laura. I have missed her when out running, she is the one who keeps me going when I feel like giving up. Hopefully her tendon injury will be repaired very soon.

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